Our shipping promise

Served piping hot

We usually ship within one working day. Packages within Germany will arrive between 2 and 4 days after payment.

Free* and lightning fast

We want to make shopping sustainable and convenient without neglecting economic efficiency (of course). That's why we offer free shipping for orders over 39€, but unfortunately we have to charge for returns

Shipping with head

We ship products from the location closest to the recipient's address. This saves us a few kilograms of CO2 and at the same time, your desired product reaches you faster.

*Shipping is free within Germany for orders over €39. Exceptions also apply to individual products in Austria, the Czech Republic and France. The amount stated in the checkout is decisive. No guarantee is given for deviations from what is written here.


What you always wanted to know about our shipping.

When will my delivery arrive?
Which shipping provider do you use to deliver?
How much is the shipping?
Where do you ship to?
How can I track my order?
Where can I contact you if I need to change my order?
How long can I return my order?
My item is defective, what can I do?
My order hasn't arrived - what can I do?
How much does international shipping cost?
How can I return my order?